
Written by admin on December 5th, 2008

And this is a gift from Paulina….if you don’t know the story, it’s a little complicated. My Uncle Pete (my mom’s brother) died when I was in middle school of a brain tumor. He was very special to everyone who knew him, and he always made sure he spent lots of time with each niece and nephew. He loved listening to me play the piano, and would often sit with me when he was sick and I practiced. He died in November, 1989, and not long after, I noticed a cardinal that came to the window behind the piano. I would hear this “thump” and look up and see a beautiful red cardinal sitting on the ledge outside. He actually sat there the whole time I practiced, and then he would fly off. Well, we took to calling him “Pete” and we even have a picture of him on the fridge. He came for about a year, and it was such a comfort for me. Now we feel like he’s here looking out for us all the way out in Seattle.

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