Day 20 Post-transplant!

Written by JKM on October 28th, 2008

Happy Day 20 to me!!!!! I’m like a little infant, no defenses against the world, adorably cute :), and quite the sleeper! Fortunately, I don’t have to relearn walking, talking, etc….that would certainly make this blog very interesting, wouldn’t it?!! “Poor Julie….she really lost it all with that transplant….I’ll keep reading those entries of gibberish ’cause, I mean, I feel sorry for her, but can you believe how much her language skills have gone downhill?!!” hahahahahaha

So after writing the last entry, Katie commented that I should include this article about Kathy being 1 of the top 40 under 40 in Richmond. Check it out….we are so proud of her! She has made quite a contribution to the study of autism, and she makes a difference in the lives of each family she meets. I’m proud to say you’re my sister-in-law, Kathy!!

I had a wonderful weekend with my dad, Ronnie and Kathy. It was too short, but I guess that’s how every visit seems. I’m pretty booked the month of November, so I’m really excited about that! Maya, I was so excited to get your e-mail the other day–can’t wait to see you and Momma Nakamura!! It helps so much to see friends and family from home because they make everything seem more normal.

In other news, I opened up a bottle of iced tea the other day and learned that the life span of a tastebud is ten days! I was excited by that….let’s get completely rid of all these crappy tastebuds, and stock my mouth up with some good ones so that everything can taste normal again.

Also, Laura, you’ll be happy to know that mom has picked up several tips from the classes you taught on women’s self defenses. The other day we were on our daily walk when we passed this lady who wasn’t watching where she was going, she was on the phone, and she had absolutely no idea of her surroundings. Before I knew it, Mom yelled out “Now there’s the perfect target!!!” Indeed the lady was the perfect target, and perhaps Mom’s comment will help her realize how she could become vitimized, that is, if she heard it. I mean, she was seriously in la-la land between her phone and trying to walk.

Yesterday was the 33rd Marine Corps Marathon, and I wanted to say congratulations to Lauren and Bill, both of whom ran to raise money for cancer, Lauren for the American Cancer Society and Bill for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I just wanted to thank you both. Lauren also ran a half marathon on Labor Day, and she and her friends wore “Team Julie” headbands…I loved those, Lauren! I actually only saw them a couple weeks ago because I hadn’t gone through all my e-mails. I loved the pics Laura sent out too from the marathon, but I’m not sure how to take them from Shutterfly and put them on my blog. If you have any pics you especially like, send them to me so I can put them up for all to marvel at your strength and perseverance. I am very proud of you! And I must say that although you and Bill said I helped to inspire you, I feel the same way about you two! When I was really exhausted, I would think “Man, how can ‘anyone’ ever run a marathon…EVER?” And then it started me thinking of Team in Training, and how I will join up again some day. It gave me something to look forward to, and doing that is how I get through each day.

Bill, thank you for running in my honor. It means so much to Laura, myself and all of the family. I’m looking forward to meeting you once I’m back on the cool side of the country. :) If you have any pics to share, send ‘em along, and I’ll make you famous on my blog!!! :)

Anyway, I better stop writing because my sleepy meds are kicking in and I should stop writing before I stop making sense. :) Thank you to everyone for what you’ve done for me, but today I want to especially thank Lauren and Bill. Make sure you go get some nice massages–you certainly deserve it!

Lots of love from Seattle,


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Oct
    Andrew Colletti

    Julie, you are an infant in another way. In case they didn’t tell you, next year you get to start your childhood immunizations all over again. Throw out your old immunization card from the 80’s. They’ll give you a new one and on the front it’ll say “State of Washington” with the state seal, etc. Then come the shots, which are no biggie after all the bone marrow biopsies…

    You are doing so great! At this point in my recovery I had body fluids coming out of all orafices, and often, and my skin was peeling off in sheets. So you have offically kicked my butt out there. I’m making a note: Next time I get cancer I’m coming to you for advice :-)

  2. Oct

    Great entry Julie! It looks like you had a wonderful visit with Dad, Ronnie and Kathy!

  3. Oct
    Laura (AKA the donor) ;)

    You’re right, Julie. I am proud that Mom’s recognizing the unsafe behavior that SO many women (unfortunately) practice. LADIES, LISTEN UP: DON’T talk on your cell phones when walking to & from your cars in parking garages/parking lots. DON’T listen to headphones while jogging outdoors. DO pay attention to your surroundings, & ALWAYS be aware of the fact that YOU may be the next target! Sorry, don’t mean to scare any of your readers, but I care about my fellow ladies and THE MAJORITY of crimes against women ARE avoidable!!! For any of you interested in more info on tips to make yourself less of a target, check out:

    Also, a GREAT book if you’re REALLY interested in educating yourself further is: “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker…definitely worth the read! He has also written others that are worth checking out. Stay safe, ladies!

  4. Oct

    Great entry, Laur-I mean, Julie! Honestly it is so nice to get a glimpse of what’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours. Congrats to Kathy on breaking the top 40! Christopher has always picked her out as a winner (”she’s beautiful!”). Also another bif thank you to the marathon runners. I applaud you from the sidelines (my legs laugh when I think about running). Oh-hey self-defense guru- can I listen to headphones while walking a doberman??!! Keep up the great work, Julie, and I’ll pray for all those evil tastebuds to take a hike. Give your Mom a hug for me.

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