“Outside the snow is fallin’ and friends are callin’ yoohooooo….”

Written by JKM on December 14th, 2008

hahahaha, ok, it’s not really falling anymore, and I haven’t heard anyone callin’ “yoohooooo”, but we’re singing it up here in the apartment!!! And we’re getting ready to go for a walk….do you think everyone would really think I’m crazy if I go out there saying “yooohoo” to everyone in the street?! :)

OK, we’re back from the walk and it’s about 4:18 PM…it’s really hard to get used to how soon it gets dark out here. I don’t mind it so much ’cause it’s kinda cozy (my new favorite word) in the wintertime, but sometimes you look at the clock and think “What am I going to do with the rest of my time?—it’s not even 5!” :)

We had a relaxing day today. I got up to finish the end of the coffee (that’s a big deal that I made it up in time!!), we watched some news and chatted, talked about ‘portant things (when I was little, around two or three, I would see all the adults pouring themselves coffee in these nice cups and saucers and sitting around the table talking, so I decided I wanted to join. Apparently I asked my mom if I could have some coffee—-which was probably 1/20th coffee and the rest milk and sugar—but she did put it in the nice cup and saucer. Anyway, I asked her for the coffee and said I wanted to talk about ‘portant things with everyone). After all, it seemed to me that adults drank coffee and talked about important things! (or ‘portant, as I referred to them). I still have a funny feeling when I sit down with everyone drinking coffee, like somehow I’m still an outside member of that club, always a child. But I rarely make myself any coffee when no one else is home because it seemed such a social activity.

Wow, that’s a long story. :) Anyway, there’s no shortage of coffee here in Seattle!!!!! I’ve mostly been sticking to hot chocolate (I go through phases…hot chocolate, decaf tall vanilla skim latte, sometimes spiced cider). My mom recently discovered the eggnog latte and highly recommends it to anyone! Aunt Barbie introduced her to that.

Geez…I guess I don’t have much to say if I’m droning on about coffee. Let’s see….after we dropped Aunt Bitsy off (we miss you!!!!!), we came home, did a couple things around the house, and went for our walk. Not many dogs out, but it’s a beautiful wintry day out there, and I stopped by Vivace’s for a hot chocolate. Now we’re just doing more stuff around the house–we’re in for the night! Who knows what excitement awaits, but we’re safe and sound and happy here, and we hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!!

Lots of love from Seattle,

Julie (and Carol)

1 Comments so far ↓

  1. Dec

    I’ll have to get myself some mittens. Hahahaha!! :)

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