It is officially 2009!!!!!!

Written by JKM on January 1st, 2009

I just opened up my 2009 calendar to put it up, and found this quote of Henry David Thoreau (I love him):

“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.”

Pretty, simple, something encouraging when you’re starting out a brand new year. 2009, I’m coming! I have my dreams and my strength, and I’m ready for what you have to offer me. In fact, I can’t wait to see what it is!!

No worries…I’m not writing another long one, but I wanted to post the pictures we just took up on the roof. It was actually very touching. Though it was a little cold with some sprinkling rain, the roof was crowded with other residents and their families, and it felt good to be among so many people, especially so many people who truly value the coming of a new year. I took up my hot cocoa, some people had champagne, but we oooed and awwwed over the fireworks together, and it felt like a uniting, warm and cozy experience. It will certainly be something I won’t forget, and a lot more fun than a hot crowded party. Also, we all went up in our pjs and it’s on the roof—what a view we have, huh? I took video also, so we’ll try to get that hooked up later.

Enjoy and Happy New Year!

PS Did anyone else happen to see this:

This guy rode his motorbike OVER the Arc de Triomphe in Vegas and then free-fell (or falled or whatever it would be) five stories with the bike….very cool to see….long, but worth the watch.

One more quote, since you know how much I love them!!

“Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed”. - Corita Kent

Love AGAIN (don’t worry…I won’t write a third blog today!),

Julie —and technically one was written on 12/31 and the second on 1/1/09, so it’s all good.

1 Comments so far ↓

  1. Jan

    Happy New Year, Matthews/Tiso family! I thought of you last night, Julie. We went to First Night Austin last night and there was a troupe of hula hoopers! They had hoops of various sizes and weights, and when we went by, there were a lot of people enjoying themselves. I tried to take a picture for you, but I got a new phone and I couldn’t figure out how to work the camera. :( It looks like you had a beautiful night for fireworks!

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