Another Beautiful Day!

Written by JKM on February 9th, 2009

Well, I didn’t have an inspiring day or anything, but I felt like writing anyway.  I did actually accomplish something today though.  I cleaned off the kitchen counters and 1 and 1/2 cupboards.  Not bad, right?  Then I had some lunch and lay down on the couch to take a “little” nap.  Three hours later, I woke up!  I even set my timer for 25 minutes, but every time it went off, I set it for 25 more….timers and alarms mean nothing to me right now!!  I’m such a rebel.  :)  It’s just too darn easy to reset them on my phone.

I did enjoy a little bit of our gorgeous weather again when I went out to play ball and frisbee with my pups.  Sometimes it’s hard to get my butt moving and get outside, but once I’m out there, I feel so much better!  The fresh air, running around with Jameson and Guinness or watching them run their path around the front yard, it’s so…hmmm, what’s the right word?…soothing?  relaxing?  refreshing?  Perhaps all the above.

Right now, I’m just watching my gameshows (geez…I sound like I’m 80 or something!).  Can you believe I’m sitting here yawning after all my rest today?–how discouraging!!  C’mon, Julie!!  GET MOVING!!!!  I have lots of lists of things I should and need to be doing right now, but I keep finding other things to do instead, so of couse I’m pretty disappointed in myself.  I think I’ll just go ahead and blame Laura’s cells.  hahahaha  Only kidding, of course.

Tomorrow is always another day, and I get excited for each day because it gives me another opportunity to organize my life.  Maybe I need a personal assistant to wake me up with breakfast in bed each AM (so I can ease out of the bed slowly, but at an earlier time so I don’t waste half the day).  After breakfast, he/she will put in my yoga video, put out my mat and clothes and make sure I do yoga.  Then he/she can prepare some hot cocoa and set up the computer, so I can get caught up on e-mails and facebook.  I don’t need anyone to remind me to play with the pups, but it would be nice if he/she reminds me to take a nice walk in the afternoon.  Perhaps he/she will allow me a 30 minute nap, but that’s it!!!  Oh, also he/she will fix my lunch, have my pills ready, prepare my shower…we can make dinner together since I need to build on my cooking skills.  He/she will make sure I always have food stocked and ready, especially for when I crave items like popcorn and M&Ms, Snocaps, cheese and pickles with radishes, cherry tomatoes, etc.  Doesn’t that sound wonderful?  Then, when I go to bed at night after watching my favorite shows, I will have a feeling of accomplishment!!  But I will also get back to reading more.  Little by little, my personal assistant will help me switch from tv to reading…not completely of course…I will always be allowed  to watch my faves like “Medium” (another new one tonight!).

Wow, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all have personal assistants?!  I’ll practice visualizing it, and maybe it will come true.  hahahaha :) In the meantime, I’ll keep trying to find ways to bribe myself into getting up early and making things happen.  I’ll let you know how it goes!

Whew!  I’m getting tired from typing all this!  I think I’ll go listen to Obama’s news conference…hey, I know it’s TV, but at least it’s educational!

Lots of love from VA,


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. Feb

    We SHOULD all have personal assistants, great idea! :P

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