Life is good.

Written by JKM on July 5th, 2010

Just as an aside before you begin reading:  as always, this blog is a bit dated, so not all of the information is  entirely accurate…for instance, Tiso left last Monday.  OK, you may read on now. :)


So, do you remember how I whined in so many previous posts about dating and how I couldn’t wait to meet someone special?……well, I have some exciting news for you!!  I met someone!  His name is Pete and he’s perfect.  In fact, let’s just refer to him as “Perfect Pete”.  :)  We’ve been dating about a month and a half, and I find that I’m pretty much smiling 24-7.  OK, that’s a lie because I don’t think I smile in my sleep.  And if I did, that would be really creepy.  My point is I’m very happy.

If you know me well, you’re aware that I’m the queen of lists.  I have 55 lists on my phone alone, and that’s not counting the post-its I keep at work, by my bed and yes, in the bathroom (Lori, I know you’re with me on that one…didn’t we have a conversation about how so many ideas come when you’re in the shower?).  One of those lists on my phone is now called “Pete”, and it’s filled with places we want to go together, activities we want to do, restaurants to try…anything we come up with that we want to experience together.  I was worried Pete would think I was a weirdo when he found out I started a list, but I’m happy to report that he’s embraced it and we’re both constantly making updates.  :)

I knew “Perfect Pete” was special on our first date, but he outdid himself on the second.  I was really nervous to mention leukemia, as you could probably sense from my last post, but I wanted to tell him.  He was so easy to talk to and he seemed genuinely interested in my life, so when he asked me how my family and I grew to be such fans of Seattle (he lived there for several years), I bared all…not literally…I didn’t strip down in P.F. Chang’s.  :) Rather, I told him about the leukemia and my transplant.  “Perfect Pete” raised his wineglass and toasted me.  I could have kissed him right then and there!  I didn’t though…we clinked glasses and I thought to myself, “wow, this guy has class.”  He took what was a fairly awkward situation and made me feel not only comfortable but also special.

I could go on and on about “Perfect Pete”, but you’ll just have to meet him for yourselves.  And actually, I better stop referring to him as “Perfect Pete”, because he’ll probably read this and start getting a big head (again, not literally). :)

Aside from having a new boyfriend….wait, let me just write that again…boyfriend…yah, that feels good.  :)  So aside from that, life is relatively uneventful.  Well, that’s not true.  My report card from the most recent visit to see Dr. Kales revealed the highest blood counts I think I may have ever had!  I also went to my gynecologist, and she informed me that whatever test they did back in December regarding my hormones meant nothing.  She did another blood test and called me the next day to tell me I am NOT post-menopausal!!!!!!!!!!!  This doesn’t mean I will definitely be able to have children, but it does give me hope.

And speaking of hope, I’m hoping that my massage on Tuesday will provide some relief to my sore muscles.  I walked 6 1/2 miles yesterday at Team in Training!!  That’s half of a half marathon!  I have yet to set up my fund-raising page, but you will all be hearing from me soon!!  I think “Perfect Pete”…I mean Pete, is distracting me.  Here we are over a month into training, and I haven’t raised a dime!!  Oh well…I like being distracted, and I WILL have my page done this week…it’s a promise I made to myself.

And here’s a promise you can make to me…please keep Tiso and Laura in your thoughts.  He leaves for Iraq very early tomorrow morning (well, technically, he’ll be in the states for another six weeks, but we won’t see him), and he’ll be there for one year.  Tiso, we will miss you, but I look forward to reading your blog and hearing your stories.  What a party we will have one year from now!!!!!!!  I can’t wait.  Here’s a little Irish blessing for your trip:

A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.

I leave you with an NPR interview I did a few weeks ago on “Animal House”…they interviewed me, obviously, not the other way around.  :)  Click here and scroll down to the second “Dr. Gary” section…I am on just after the first e-mail they read (about the cat that likes bleach).  Enjoy the many photos below!!

Lots of love,


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Jul

    Julie!! I am so happy for you!! I knew something was up since the blogging slowed way down ;) Then I saw your facebook relationship status this morning!! Thanks for sharing “Perfect Pete” with us, your readers - It was great to see all the pictures of you two and hear about how your doing! Lots of love from the Pacific Northwest (where we grow some BIG berries this time of year),

  2. Jul

    LOVED reading this post and seeing all the great pics! SO, SO, SO happy for you! You deserve all the happiness you could ever dream of! Love you lots, sweetie! xoxoxoxox

  3. Jul
    the horios

    OMG this post made us soooooooooooo happy!!! We can’t wait to meet Mr. Perfect…=) And he’s a cutie to boot - what a find! =) =) =)

  4. Jul

    I think it would have been perfectly wonderful for you to strip down, yell “I had leukemia”, kiss him, and then blame it all on some strange side-effects from chemo. Of course, that would make him too comfortable at a shrimp night gathering, so I’m glad you stuck to your plan. Tell your donor to enable comments on Tiso’s site, dag-nabbit! LOVE YOU!

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